Ellington Hotel, Berlin, GERMANY, 11.10.2018. VENUS Award 2018 Gala: Former adult actress Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels poses on the red carpet at the VENUS Award Gala in Berlin - the Oscars for the porn industry. Stormy Daniels received a Venus award for here lifetime achievements. Daniels, who allegedly had a sexual encounter in 2006 with US President Donald J. Trump, sued the president over a hush money agreement she signed before he ascended to the Oval Office.
Ellington Hotel, Berlin, DEUTSCHLAND, 11.10.2018. VENUS Award 2018 Gala: US-Pornodarstellerin Stormy Daniels ist Stargast der diesjaehrigen VENUS. Daniels erlangte Bekanntheit durch eine angebliche Affaere mit US-Praesident Donald Trump. Anfang Oktober hat Daniels das Enthuellungsbuch Full Disclosure veroeffentlicht, in dem intimste Details ueber Donald Trump dargestellt werden.